Arugam bay and kumana national park

Arugam bay was the place I was the most excited about visiting during our stay in Sri Lanka. People come from all over the world to surf here and everyone who had visited told us how amazing it was. After 8 hours sweating to death on a cramped, stinking bus we finally arrived!

They cram as many people as humanly possible onto the busses here! But this long journey cost us less that £2 each.. despite the heat it still smelt better than the number 51 to town!

We arrived in Arugam bay late on the monday and our hostel had double booked our room, so they kindly put us up in a decent hotel a couple of doors down for the first two nights.. Probably the last taste of posh accommodation we’ll have for a while! We stayed at Emmas home stay which was a cool hostel right on the beach.

Emmas homestay

The beach was amazing and the waves were ridiculous and easily the biggest I’ve ever seen. I was keen to get in so the first morning we woke up and rented some body boards! Here’s a video of me catching an average sized wave.. some of them were alot bigger.. I got thrown around like a rag doll and Paige was literally getting dragged up and down the beach! The weather was in the mid 30s here and we both got sun burnt to fuck. On the evening we explored the beach and wandered up to the main surfing point.

The second day we booked up a surfing lesson in the morning, at elephant rock (a beach down the road more for beginners). I managed to get to my feet multpile times but got flung off pretty much straight away so I cant class myself as having surfed but it was fun trying and the closeSt I’ve ever been. Trying to surf here was another goal ticked off for our visit to Sri Lanka!

Us with our surf boards!

On the evening we went on a tuk tuk safari around the area and saw some monkeys, buffalo, lots of birds, some elephants in the distance and got pretty close to a massive fucking Croc! Well worth the price of £12 between us for a few hours.

Creeping up to this monster I stood on a stick which broke and made it flinch.. I nearly shat my pants!

The next day we booked a jeep to go to the national park. Saw lots of crocs, birds, fed some monkeys and got pretty close to a couple of elephants. Really impressed me to see these animals in the wild, definitely different to seeing them in a zoo. Visiting a national park was another thing on our Sri Lanken bucket list completed!

Was expecting our jeep to be a piece of shit because we got it quite cheap but was impressed when this beast picked us up!
We were told wild elephants kill a lot of people here in Sri Lanka so we were on our best behaviour!

We liked arugam bay so much we booked in to stay for a 5th night. It Had a great chilled out vibe and there was plenty to do and see. the food was awesome, we tried different places for breakfast and dinner every day and didnt have one bad meal. It was so good that Paige ordered BBQ fish for her meal for the first time ever after trying mine and loved it! She’s really been experimenting with the food out here and is now a massive fan of Sri Lanken food! The last day we did a bit of shopping and relaxed on the beach. Would definitely recommend anyone that likes the beach to visit Arugam bay if they ever visit Sri Lanka!

The Sri Lanken surfers Mecca!